Best Health, a comprehensive, interactive wellness program Best Health catapulted Sharp Health Plan into theopportunity
from Sharp Health Plan, was looking to inspire the masses
and build a movement toward a healthier San Diego. outcome
spotlight as one of only 12 health plans nationwide to
receive the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA)
Accreditation for Wellness and Health Promotion.

everyone loves to win, right?
we gamified healthy living with interactive and inspiring challenges like “Around San Diego in 28 Days,” “Slim into Summer,” and “Maintain No Gain” to make getting (and staying) healthy fun and rewarding.

we inspired people to achieve their own personal best health through skillful social media initiatives in trending topics in health and wellness.

with best health, we created an eye-catching, inspirational and
approachable wellness brand that’s leading the way to a healthier
community, one member at a time. anted: an eye-catching,
inspirational and approachable wellness brand.
we provided direction on the new member
portal based on best health branding.